I need the exercise, but since I have surgery on September 9, I'm going to take the month off from Tai Chi. Today will be my last bending stretching and moving around organized by a nice long haired lady. Or her equally nice, when he doesn't use me as a sparring dummy, long haired husband.
My state funded health plan has weight loss program that includes exercise. I have to go to an orientation, but that doesn't start until four days before my surgery. I selected one I hope will let me do some work while recuperating
I don't know how down and out I'm going to be. None of the doctors can tell me until they open me up and see how easy their cutting is going to be.
Went to the dermatologist and he said there are no more skin issues to worry over. He said I should be checked as regularly as twice a year. He thinks I'm the only person with albinism in the area. It's possible. We're like 1 in 20,000 in the population. There's about 65,000 in the county. Could be a couple more like me lurking around.
Here's the timeline:
Sometime in June I noticed the spot on my leg turned into a lump and I called up and get an appointment to have my doctor looked at it. She sent me to a surgeon to have it removed.
July, the surgeon scheduled the lump for removal.
July toward the end, Lump removal surgery, biopsy sent. The injection of numbing agent hurt, but the surgery didn't.
July 31, Surgeon called to tell me it was cancer and scheduled a CAT scan
August 7, Donning my cat ears my friend Alison made for me (yay Ali) I went off for my test. I posted about it with a picture here" What's new PussyCAT On the same day, they removed the stitches from the surgery. My skin grew in well which unfortunately made taking the stitches out painful.
August 12, Surgeon shows me the CAT scan with some lumpy bits near my uterus and around my breasts. He thinks it's nothing but he has me get some exams anyway. We schedule a mammogram and gynecological exams.
August 16, Gynecologic tells me the mass is just a fibroid like we thought
August 18, Mammogram tests reveals no lumps and nothing of concern. It was way easier than I expected and not painful Though I have large breasts, perhaps a woman (or man) with smaller pectoral area would find it painful. One of the scans is a little awkward, but it didn't hurt.
August 28, full body dermatology exam finds nothing of concern.
August 29, I see my regular doctor to clear me for lymph node biopsy.
September 6, Pre-operative consultation with the nursing staff and anesthesiology.
September 9, Lymph node removal and more skin removed around the area of the lump.
I don't have any information on what happens after that. I know I will go home that day.
Writing this all down tired me out. Quite a stressy ordeal. I am confident the cancer got taken care of the first time, but it not, we'll decide what to do from there.
Remember, make me laugh. I know you're sorry and yes I am amazing and strong. You can just be silly.. that's the best thing you can do for me ;) Kind and silly.
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